Welcome to Restorative Wellness

Do you want to feel healthy, energetic & fullfilled?

Learn how to ferment carrots.

Feed your liver with our Beet Kvass recipe.

Our Story

After a grueling battle with Lyme diseases that began in 2012 and her own children that have struggled with multiple health issues, Leah is passionate about natural health and wellness.   Because of her journey, she is eager to come alongside other parents as they learn to nourish their children with a properly prepared, nutrient dense diet. With over a decade of learning to rebuild her health from the inside out, she has both the clinical knowledge as well as compassion to support people as they seek to navigate wellness on their own journeys.

Leah graduated the professional level of Nutrition Response Testing in 2020. In addition, she graduated with her Nutritional Therapy Practitioner certificate in 2023.  Both of these modalities have been life changing for her and her family as it has given them freedom, healing and confidence for their growing family.  In her free time, she enjoys tackling a new  DIY project, gardening, finding a good yard sale while drinking a bulletproof coffee and listening to her husband read aloud to their family.